Scenario databases

Scenario databases store inputs and outputs for a NEMO model scenario, including dimensions, parameters, and calculated result variables. Each scenario has its own database. To calculate a scenario, you pass its database to the calculatescenario function. NEMO then reads inputs from the database and writes results back to it.


For examples of scenario databases, look in the test directory for the NEMO Julia package. You can find this directory as follows.

julia> using NemoMod

julia> println(normpath(joinpath(pathof(NemoMod), "..", "..", "test")))


Scenario databases include tables for dimensions, parameters, and calculated variables, all described in other parts of this documentation. There is also a table called Version that indicates the NEMO data dictionary version with which the database is compatible.

Views and indices

When NEMO calculates a scenario, it automatically builds views and indices in the database that are needed for the run. You shouldn't have to modify them. The views show default values for parameters as specified in the DefaultParams table. There is a view for each parameter the includes all values given in the parameter's table plus the default value (assuming there is one) for combinations of dimensions not represented in the table.

Database platform

NEMO uses SQLite version 3 as its database platform. You can access a scenario database with any SQLite client, such as DB Browser for SQLite. To work with a scenario database in Julia, use the SQLite package.

Utility functions

NEMO provides a few functions for working with scenario databases in Julia.